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J. Alba Tercedor
"3D- Micro-CT anatomical study of the head of the ant species Catagyphis rosenhaueri"
, 2012
J. Alba Tercedor
"3D-Micro-CT anatomical study of the tiny aquatic beetle (Insecta: Coleoptera) Hydraena exasperata"
, 2012
F.J. Bullejos Carrillo, P. Jáimez Cuellar, J.M. Luzon-Ortega, J.A. Palomino-Morales
D. Fernandez Moreno,
"40 años de investigación en los lagos de alta montaña de Sierra Nevada: Revelando las huellas del cambio global. Informe para EGMASA (Junta de Andalucía) (Proyecto NET 330966)."
, 2012
J. Alba Tercedor
"Micro-CT anatomical study of a tiny aquatic beetle (Insecta: Coleoptera) Hydraena exasperata"
, 2012
J. Alba Tercedor
"Micro-CT anatomical study of the head of the ant species Catagyphis rosenhauer"
, 2012
J. Alba Tercedor
"Micro-CT anatomical study of the sea-slug (Mollusca: Nudibranchia) Polycera quadrilineata "
, 2012
J. Alba Tercedor
"Micro-CT study of the anatomy of the nymph of the mayfly Baetis alpinus"
, 2012
J. Alba Tercedor
"Micro-CT study of the anatomy of the nymph of the mayfly Ephemera danica"
, 2012
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024