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Javier Alba Tercedor
MARZO 2009
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Producción científica

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Lista de capítulos de libros

M.J. López Rodríguez, J. Alba Tercedor, M. Galiana-García, J.E. Larios -López, C.E. Sainz-Cantero Caparros, J.M. Tierno De Figueroa, M. Villar Argaiz and C. Zamora-Muñoz,  "Aquatic Animal Communities of Watercourses from Sierra Nevada", "The Landscape of the Sierra Nevada. A Unique Laboratory of Global Processes in Spain", 245-260, 2022
J. Alba Tercedor, P. Buffin, C. Wise and P. Lepine,  "Micro-CT as a valuable base tool for the industry of visual effects: the case of the animated beetles appearing in the film ¿Blade Runner 2049¿. ", "Bruker Micro-CT Users Meeting 2018", 223-230, 2018
J. Alba Tercedor and I. Alba-Alejandre,  "Micro-CT unveils the secret life of the coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei; Coleoptera, Curculionidae: Scolytinae) inside coffee berries.", "In Bruker Micro-CT Users Meeting 2018 ", 165-173, 2018
J. Alba Tercedor "El uso de bioindicadores para evaluar la salud de los cursos de agua desde el punto de vista ecosistémico (integridad ecológica/estado ecológico)", "Seminario Internacional en el Estudio de Comunidades Biológicas Como Bioindicadores de Calidad de Agua. Libro de Revisiones", 99-109, 2016
J. Alba Tercedor "Micro-CT as a tool straddling scientist research, art and education. Study of Osmia sp., a mason bee (Insecta, Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). ", "Bruker Micro-CT Users Meeting 2016 ", 74-91, 2016
J. Alba Tercedor "22. Looking beyond the small: micro-CT study of eggs and development in insects: comparison of the results obtained with the Skyscan 1172 and the attachment for SEM microtomography.", "Bruker Micro-CT Users Meeting 2013", 102-110, 2013
J. Alba Tercedor "Los efemerópteros (Ephemeroptera)", "Los insectos de Sierra Nevada. 200 años de historia. Vol. I", 100-113, 2013
J. Alba Tercedor "Study of the anatomy of the common housefly Musca domestica Linnaeus, 1758 (Insecta: Diptera, Muscidae) scanned with the Skyscan 1172 high resolution micro-CT", "Bruker Micro-CT Users Meeting 2013", 275-289, 2013

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