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J. Alba Tercedor, M. Sáinz Bariáin
C. Zamora-Muñoz,
"Using micro-CT to elucidate the pupal case architecture as a survival strategy of a caddisfly.", "2015 annual Bruker microCT User Meeting", None-None, 2015
S. Fenoglio-, N. Bonada-Caparrós, S. Guareschi, A. Millán, M.J. López Rodríguez
J.M. Tierno De Figueroa,
"When the invasion of freshwater failed: the case of aquatic insects", "The 13th European Ecological Federation (EEF) and 25th Italian Society of Ecology¿s (S.It.E.) joint conference", None-None, 2015
J. Alba Tercedor
"Clase Insecta. Orden Ephemeroptera", vol.40
, 1-17, 2015
J.M. Tierno De Figueroa
M.J. López Rodríguez,
"Clase Insecta. Orden Plecoptera", Revista IDE@ - SEA, vol.43
, 1-14, 2015
F. Li, J.M. Tierno De Figueroa, S. Lek
Y. Park,
"Continental drift and climate change drive instability in insect assemblages", Scientific Reports, vol.5
, -, 2015
J.E. Larios-López, J.M. Tierno De Figueroa, C. Alonso-González
B. Nebot-Sanz,
"Distribution of brown trout (Salmo trutta, Linnaeus, 1758) populations in southern Iberian Peninsula: possible causes.", Italian Journal of Zoology, vol.82
, 404-415, 2015
L. Guàrdia-Valle
J.M. Tierno De Figueroa,
"Does nutritional behavior affect gut endosymbiont prevalence? The case of Paramoebidium avitruviense (Mesomycetozoa) within Siphonoperla torrentium (Plecoptera) nymphs", Limnologica, vol.54
, 58-65, 2015
J.E. Larios-López, J.M. Tierno De Figueroa, M. Galiana-García, J. Gortázar
C. Alonso ,
"Extended spawning in brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations from Southern Iberian Peninsula: the role of climate variability", vol.74
, 394-402, 2015
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024