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L. Sánchez-Tocino, J.M. Tierno De Figueroa
J.L. Cervera-Currado,
"Ontogenetic changes in the spicule formation and their possible role in chromodorid opisthobranchs (Mollusca, Chromodorididae)", Marine Biology Research, vol.10
, 357-373, 2014
F.J. Ruiz-Ruano Campaña, J.P. Martinez Camacho, J. Cabrero, M.J. López Rodríguez
J.M. Tierno De Figueroa,
"Peripatric origin of the only cave-restricted stonefly species known (Insecta: Plecoptera). ", Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny, vol.72
, 3-10, 2014
A. Sanz-Rus, C.E. Trenzado Romero, M.J. López Rodríguez
J.M. Tierno De Figueroa,
"Physiological strategies contributing to the coexistence of two predatory species of stoneflies: Dinocras cephalotes and Perla bipunctata", vol.175
, 131-134, 2014
J. Oláh, M. Sáinz Bariáin
C. Zamora Muñoz,
"The genus Allogamus Schmid, 1955 (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae): revised by sexual selection-driven adaptive, non-neutral traits of the phallic organ.", Opuscula Zoologica (Budapest), vol.45
, 33-82, 2014
T. Bo-, M. Cammarata, M.J. López Rodríguez, J.M. Tierno De Figueroa, M. Baltieri, P. Varese
S. Fenoglio-,
"The influence of water quality and macroinvertebrate colonization in the breakdown process of native and exotic leaf types in sub-alpine stream", Journal of Freshwater Ecology, vol.29
, 159-169, 2014
J. Alba Tercedor
"The use of micro-CT for the study of eggs and development in insects", Microscopy and Analysis (E MEA Edition), vol.March
, 7-10, 2014
L. Sánchez Tocino, J.M. Tierno De Figueroa
A. De La Linde-Rubio,
"Two new records for the Chafarinas Islands: the black coral Antipathella subpinnata (Anthozoa) and the invasive crab Percnon gibbesi (Crustacea)", Zoologica Baetica, vol.25
, 89-93, 2014
J. Alba Tercedor
"Using micro-CT to explore pore contents in the ignimbrite, a volcanic rock in the Atacama Desert with endolithic microbial communities: the microhabitat potentially expected on Mars", Micro-CT User Meeting Abstract Book
, 47-55, 2014
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024