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C. Navarro-Barranco, J.M. Tierno De Figueroa, J.M. Guerra-García, L. Sánchez Tocino
J.C. Garcia-Gomez,
"Feeding habits of amphipods from shallow soft bottom communities: comparison between marine caves and open habitats", Journal of Sea Research, vol.78
, 1-7, 2013
L. Sánchez-Tocino
J.M. Tierno De Figueroa,
"First record of Novocrania turbinata (Poli, 1795) (Brachiopoda, Craniata, Craniidae) from the Chafarinas Islands", Zoologica Baetica, vol.24
, 189-192, 2013
J.M. Tierno De Figueroa, M.J. López Rodríguez, S. Fenoglio-, P.M. Sánchez Castillo
R. Fochetti ,
"Freshwater biodiversity in the rivers of the Mediterranean Basin", Hydrobiologia, vol.719
, 137-186, 2013
K. Bottová, P. Beracko , T. Derka
J.M. Tierno De Figueroa,
"Life cycle, feeding and secondary production of Plecoptera community in a constant temperature stream in Central Europe", Limnologica, vol.43
, 27-33, 2013
T. Bo, M.J. López Rodríguez, A. Mogni, J.M. Tierno De Figueroa
S. Fenoglio,
"Life history of Capnia bifrons (Newman, 1838) (Plecoptera, Capniidae) in a small Apennine creek (NW Italy).", Entomologica Fennica, vol.24
, 29-34, 2013
C. Zamora Muñoz, T. Derka
C. Cressa,
"Notalina roraima Holzenthal 1986 (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae), male genitalia variability and larval description", Zootaxa, vol.3702
, 450-458, 2013
J. Rúa, J. Garrido
J.M. Tierno De Figueroa,
"Nuevos datos sobre la distribución de Marthamea selysii y Dinocras cephalotes (Plecoptera, Perlidae) en Galicia (España)", Boletín de la Asociación Española de Entomología, vol.37
, 363-366, 2013
T. Bo-, M. Cammarata, M.J. López Rodríguez, J.M. Tierno De Figueroa
S. Fenoglio-,
"Nymphal biology of Ephoron virgo (Olivier, 1791) (Ephemeroptera, Polymitarcyidae) in an Apenninic river (NW Italy)", Entomological Science, vol.16
, 352-354, 2013
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024